opencv 3.0.0

Install Opencv in docker (ubuntu) build app in docker

How to run and build an application based on Opencv in a Docker container is the purpose of this tutorial. The process described below is ...

Vl 2 Oct, 2017 7

My Opencv LBP cascade for people detection for download

13 stage opencv LBP cascade for people detection to download My Opencv LBP 13 stage cascade for people detection. It is only 13 stages l...

Vl 4 Dec, 2016 1

Video stabilization by good feature to track, opticalFlowPytLK and median Just example

Video stabilization by optical flow and median..  I have to say. This is only alpha version. First of all, I want to release vide...

Vl 20 Nov, 2016 2

Car detection in opencv

This is one of the results achieved by the free dataset for car detection on my blog  here .  I have a plan to provide some basic scripts ...

Vl 12 Nov, 2016 2

People tracking and head detection in Opencv example.

Opencv people tracking by head detection Opencv head detection is much more complicated than the whole body detection.. Learning is the...

Vl 30 Sep, 2016 5

Easy Opencv 3.1, opencv 2.4.13 instalation Visual Studio 2015 NUGET

Easy Opencv installation for Visual Studio 2015 C++ project by NUGET packages. Your opencv is ready to use under 2 minutes after you find ...

Vl 20 Aug, 2016 12

Iceland video tracking and stabilization example

My iceland video tracking example i know that, I did not write anything interesting for a long time.. I am working on it.. ...

Vl 26 Jul, 2016 1

Opencv tracking example

Median flow tracker code coming soon Simple median flow tracker base od goodFeaturesToTrack  calcOpticalFlowPyrLK TODO comp...

Vl 14 Mar, 2016 1

Fast Opencv people pedestrian detection Tutorial by CascadeClassifier

Simple Opencv C++ tutorial and example of people detection in video samples and pictures. There is nothing you cannot achieve in a few sim...

Vl 11 Mar, 2016 20

Opencv 3.1 people detection by CascadeClassifier

The comparison of Opencv Cascade for people detections. Default opencv cascades are good ones. You can simply achieve better results but y...

Vl 2 Mar, 2016 16

Opencv tutorial, Read all images withim a folder (Windows) and Labeled Data

This is an example of how to load all images inside the folder on the Windows system. I use this to collect vector<Mat> to train th...

Vl 5 Feb, 2016 2

Hough lines and canny edge, Sobel derivatives Opencv Tutorial

HoughLines, Canny edges, for OpenCV line detection edges detection in symple described C++ code, where all the steps are visualize and exmp...

Vl 18 Jan, 2016 1
